Whether you’re looking for basic breakdowns on hormone health and cycle syncing, or you are wanting a deep dive on exactly how it all works, you are in the right place!

A straight forward breakdown of what each of your four phases entail and exactly what is happening internally

Food intake and eating ENOUGH is essential for hormonal health. Not sure how to calculate your macros and caloric intake? This is a great place to start

T1D Pregnancy can feel incredibly overwhelming and scary. If you are looking for a fresh perspective on managing pregnancy and t1d, this is a great place to start!

Want a deep dive on how the four phases of your cycle work, the best foods and workouts for each phase, and how to support overall hormone function? This 15 page in depth break down is just for you!

Wanting to eat hormone forward but not sure where to start? This detailed and broken down grocery list is perfect for you!